Saturday 25 April 2015

Middle of the night thinking...

Okay, so the title is a bit misleading because it isn't the middle of the night at the moment. Beautiful boy has been up all night lately with teething (we have seen a hint of white, but still no tooth through), and this has meant that I have had a lot of time to think about what is going on in the world. It has lead to one main conclusion - I am so confused.

Right, so attachment parenting is the big go again at the moment. The idea that mothers should be at home with their babies all day, breastfeeding past infancy, wearing them close and sleeping in the bed with them. And I totally get this, it doesn't sound too hippy for me or anything! I actually wish that I could embrace this, unfortunately my lifestyle makes this pretty much impossible.

And then we go to the flip side -  mothers not being expected to be at home, not becoming a slave to their children and husband, maintaining careers whilst parenting etc. This also makes sense to me - as a mother, I have found it hard to maintain my own identity and not simply be, "Finn's mum".

The new one I have come across, which isn't parenting related, is a revival of feminism. Women choosing not to wax their eyebrows, rocking the beach with unwaxed bikini lines, refusing to wear make up and not discussing their fashion choices at award ceremonies.

I am so confused! What am I supposed to do? I am a woman who loves my career, my child, and my waxed eyebrows?!

Obviously, fitting in is not my thing. People always go on about standing out, but eventually we all mold ourselves to become part of a current fad. So standing out is not longer about being individual!

Gah - this probably doesn't make sense to anyone except me.

I'm now off to breastfeed my child while sending emails, all of this with my make up on and sitting among unfolded washing. Obviously, I am into embracing all areas of parenting and womanhood!

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