Friday 10 April 2015

One of "those" moods!

Tired. Stressed. Anxious. Snappy. Emotional.

That pretty much sums up how I am feeling right now!

Believe it or not, I am holed up in my bedroom like a teenager having a tantrum over, well, nothing. I actually feel like a pimply 15 year old sulking because I didn't get my way. The problem is, I don't really have a right to be acting like this. In fact, I have been getting my way pretty much all day!

My other half and I spent the day shopping for his big boy's birthday tomorrow, spending far too much money. He even bought me a warm jacket for winter, which is very unlike him.

I think it must be the over tiredness getting to me. Now I know how poor little man feels when he hasn't slept for awhile and the smallest thing sets him off! I am also in a bit of a funk because he is currently refusing most bottles coming his way and most of his solids - how is he still smiling?! My  bets are that this is happening because of teething and his snuffly nose, but my God child, do you have any idea how on edge this gets me?! Constantly worrying about dehydration, hunger, his ability to sleep - it really does get too much sometimes! And his naps! How do they go from being lovely and long one day to basically non-existent the next? Today you would have thought he had never been to sleep before the way he battled and screamed with every attempt! News flash kid - you have these every day! And I would love to have a sleep every two and half hours, but society says no!

And poor other half! He hasn't even done anything wrong but I spit tacks at  him every time he tries a conversation! You would have thought that after four years of me he would know not to approach me in these situations, but I know he wants to get to the bottom of it!

Bottom line - I'm hungry, I'm tired, now just leave me the fuck alone!

Promise me we all feel like this sometimes?!

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