Saturday 4 April 2015

What a week....

You know, sometimes karma is a real bitch. And this week, ladies and gentlemen, it really came back to bite me in the ass.

First of all, I've been doing extra days at work to try and make a bit of money. Little guy comes with me and is perfect. So, there I was expecting a nice big pay and...not all of it went through. There goes my hair appointment.

Second of all, Thursday was the last day of term. This is always a big night out, and I had planned for it for weeks. We were going to an all you can eat and drink pizza place and I was so excited. However, in my excitement I forgot that I am now a mum who barely drinks away from home AND I got really, really, ridiculously drunk and I LOST MY PHONE! I mean, c'mon, my phone is my lifeline! Because my phone case is also a wallet I lost all my cards as well. I am still holding on to hope that someone will find it, see the name on my drivers license and look me up on Facebook.

The lucky part of that is my phone instantly backs up all my photos to Dropbox so I didn't lose any photos of Finn. Please people, make sure that you do that because I would have been devastated if I had lost them.

So, I have taken this as a message from beyond and have decided I need to sort my shit out big time. This means:

  • No more attempting to drink copious amounts of wine and parent the next day
  • Focusing on important things like getting my weight back down and being fit
  • Not eating every piece of chocolate that has crossed my path
  • Continue to write this blog so I don't let everything build up in my head and overload my teeny tiny brain
I started off yesterday by going for a run. However, because my other half is off fishing all weekend, this meant running with the pram. Up hills. I lasted one hill and decided to walk up and run down. I can't be too adventurous people. I also got up this morning and went for a run with no pram (don't worry, I didn't leave the baby at home, Mum rescued me) and I ran for half an hour! With the fat dog! So we are doing well!

I have also set myself a goal - to complete the Auckland Half Marathon again. If I have something in sight then I know I can do it. Although I have done it in just under two hours before, I am going to give myself the goal this year just to complete it. Life is so much harder with a baby, and I need to factor that in!

Have a great Easter everybody, roll around in chocolatey goodness and start the diet next week!


  1. Oh no! I hope you find your phone and cards! Thankfully all my photos are automatically backed up as well. Also well done for running with the pram. Happy Easter to you too!

  2. Well this sounds brill 1) You had a wicked night out! 2) It resulted in you making fab positive changes. I'm also realising the futility of the wine. Sad times ;) x
