- creepily watches me eat (seriously, he follows the fork from my plate to my mouth, normally salivating at the same time...)
- tries to pull food out of our hands - this resulted in Finn accidentally eating a small amount of combination fried rice when my partner wasn't paying attention. It makes me very proud!
- he is always wanting more after having a feed
- his head is that of a strong man, always up and looking around
So, I steamed up some kumara (sweet potato) and pureed it into oblivion. And this was the result:
He loved it! The third photo shows the shock that we actually allowed to keep it in his mouth! He made such a mess, smooshing it everywhere - I found kumara all over him! Oh, and how 21st century are we - his Dad was on Skype watching him the whole time, so he didn't miss out on any of it! We are so lucky to live in a time where this is possible.
I totally recommend the Phil and Teds Poppy Highchair as well! It is so easy to strap them in, and super easy to clean. It wasn't expensive either, I got it for just over $100 on special. An awesome part of is that, when bubs is no longer in a highchair, you can convert it into a chair!
Not related to my boy eating, but I am so excited for tonight! Alex and I are going out for dinner BY OURSELVES for the first time since Finn was born! And we are actually going somewhere nice, so I can get dressed up and drink some fancy wine! There will be more about this later!
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