Wednesday 21 January 2015

Why co-sleeping really does mean no sleeping!

So there is this hilarious video going around called "Why Co-Sleeping is No-Sleeping." Have a look below and it will definitely make you giggle!

Before Finn was born I was one of those pregnant ladies who said, "I'm never letting my baby sleep in our bed!" I was adamant. I had heard all the stories from parents who could never get their child out of their bed and I flat out refused to become one,

And then my baby was born.

As I have said previously, Finn refused to sleep in his bassinet for a very long time. This made me feel like I was failing as mother because everything said that my baby should go straight to sleep when being put down. Cue a baby who fell fast asleep on me, then as soon as he was in his crib woke up and screamed. Pick up, fast asleep. Put down, scream. So I accidentally became a co-sleeping mum at times. And I really enjoyed it. Waking up to him is one of the fondest memories I will have of Finn as a newborn.

Eventually, Finn became a lot better at sleeping in his bassinet, and was moved to a cot when he was three months old because with every movement he made his crib rock and woke himself up. Since moving to the cot he has rarely come into our bed because he falls asleep again after his night feed, and normally snoozes until 6.30 - 7ish. Except for the other night. He decided, after waking up at 4.15 for a feed, that he did not want to go to sleep. Cue crying baby, exhausted mother. So I grabbed him and put him in our bed.


In the few minutes it took him to fall asleep, he managed to:

  • pull my hair
  • eat the blanket
  • kick me
  • pull my partners nose
  • stick his finger up my partners nose
  • scratch me
  • roll over
  • hold my hand and eventually close his eyes
Cute little newborn making gorgeous noises no more!

His new thing is to wake from his morning nap after 45 minutes, then be put into bed with me and have a cuddle and sleep for another 90 or so minutes. It looks like this:

And these are the moments that I will treasure for the rest of my life.

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