Sunday 22 March 2015

Baby Daddy!

Ever since having Finn, I have a whole new level of respect for single mothers. Raising a baby is such hard work, but having somebody there most of the time definitely takes the edge off.

I am really lucky in the fact that my other half is an amazing, hands on father. Little bug is his second son, and Dom is nearly nine. We work really hard to ensure that we have a close relationship with his mama, and I am lucky in the fact that her and I get on really well. It makes life easier for everybody.

So, how does a relationship change once you've had a baby?

Well, this is Alex and I when we first started dating, nearly four years ago...

We used to do really cute things like this...

And then we had a baby! And at first we put our relationship on the back burner to make time for bubs. But it became really clear really quickly that we needed to keep working on our relationship at the same time as caring for a newborn.

I can definitely understand why a lot of couples find it hard to survive when having a baby. Once the initial euphoria has died down, and the visitors halt, you find the time to be exhausted, to notice the washing hasn't been done for three weeks, and that all you have eaten for the past month has been takeaways. And this adds serious strain. Because I was breastfeeding and therefore the sole person feeding our baby, I resented it when Alex was sleeping at 3am. On the flip side, I was at home every day and Alex was at work, and he resented this.

It is all about compromise. And understanding that sometimes you will be tired and cranky and the idea of being nice to your man makes you spew. But be nice. Appreciate your partner in crime. Most of all, take lots of cute photos!

1 comment:

  1. Oh I'm like you - have a whole new found respect for single parents after having Little Miss. I can only imagine how hard it would be to do it on your own.

    But at the moment the relationship between me and hubby is a bit strained. Not in that we argue or anything it's just we haven't got the time to be as attentive as we once were.
