Sunday 22 March 2015

Water Baby!

Swimming lessons for babies - wow, what a fad right?! Squeezing your postpartum body into a pair of togs and singing songs with a bunch of other crazy mums. Sounds ridiculous!

Well, actually, it really isn't. In fact, I think it is one of the most sensible decisions I have made as a mother. There is nothing more amazing than seeing my little man kicking his feet, paddling with his hands, and smiling after diving under the water.

Over summer, you are constantly reading about children falling into the pool or getting caught in a rip and not making it out. I am not taking that risk with little guy!

Finn started swimming lessons at five months. Hilton Brown do free lessons for babies 3 - 6 months old, but there is a bit of a waiting list, hence the five month old start. The awesome thing is they actually go until they turn seven months old, so we have been at it for nearly two months!

It is amazing how far my man has gone in these two months. He reaches out for the side of the pool or out to a board, he closes his eyes and holds his breath when you, "Finn, ready, go!" and he is super chilled out after a submersion. These lessons are teaching him to not be afraid of the water, and know what to do when he falls in.

We often underestimate what our little babe's can do, but here is a video of my wee man with his daddy.

Yep, that is my little man kicking his legs on a board! At only six months old!

So, my advice to all of you is get your  babies enrolled in lessons as young as possible. Let them have a life long love of the water, without the worry of lack of confidence!

1 comment:

  1. Aww look at your little man go! Yay! We signed up for swimming lessons but Little Miss hated them! She screamed the place down everytime we went! It was really upsetting. She loves a bath and splashing around in the bath but swimming pool not so much. We might try taking her again this summer to see how it foes.
