Wednesday 18 March 2015

That "Mum" Look

I have been off work for the past couple of days with little man due to the croup incident, and I have seen something happen to me that I am not proud of.

Because I knew nobody was coming over today, I chucked on my track pants and an old top, and tossed my hair up in a messy bun. I hadn't even given it two thoughts before I looked in a mirror and thought, "Oh my god".Yes, today I have been rocking your stereotypical, advert loving, self loathing "Mum" look. And oh my word, it is scary.

This is me today. But she is wearing nicer clothes.
I always wondered how mums could be this way - lose all pride in themselves, stop caring about how they look, decide that no matter what you wear your husband will never leave you - and, I am not going to lie, it disgusted me. Even in the early days of Finn, I would get up, do my face, brush my hair, and get on with the day. I take a lot of pride in the fact that I left the hospital wearing nice clothes and with make up on.

However, today I get the women who look like I do every day. The mum's who have babies that won't sleep, the mum's who have to do the school run with a toddler in tow, the mum's who are so exhausted that they are surviving on caffeine alone.

And I apologise. I am sorry for being a judgmental bitch. Rock your top buns with all the energy you can muster. Even if it isn't a lot.

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