Monday 23 March 2015

Liebster Award

Woohoo so I was nominated for The Liebster Award for discovering new blogs!
This was from the blog Flab-Fit-Fab and you can check her out here...

So part of this is answering some questions, so here we go...

1) Why did you start your blog?
To connect with other mums and hopefully show them that they are not alone out there!

2) What do you most enjoy cooking?
Ooooh this is a hard one because I really love cooking...I will go with the Smoked Fish Pie from the Chelsea Winter "At My Table" cookbook

3) What keeps you awake at night?

My baby not sleeping...actually, that is getting better so I would say my job. I do a lot of professional development with teachers and I find this quite daunting so am often thinking of ways to stay in the game!

4) If you could have one super power what would it be and why?

The ability to redo certain moments of  my life - I have a lot of regrets!

5) Who's the better villain Harley Quinn or Poison Ivy?

Poison Ivy - she owns it!

5) If you were invisible for the day what would you do?

Go and spy on what goes on in my nieces classroom - I worry about her!

6) Cat or dog?

Dog. Even though my one is rather useless...

7) Who's the most inspirational person you know and why?

An old colleague called Brendan Lee. I have never met anyone who cares about his students so much and works so hard to better their lives, while setting himself amazing goals.

8) Are you a morning person or night owl?

Morning person - I find it hard to stay awake late these days!

9) If you won the lottery what would you buy first?

Our own home!

10) What makes you smile?

Sounds so cheesy but going into my boy's room when he has just woken up from a sleep. He looks at me like I've been gone for months!

Now, because I am new to this whole blogging thing and don' follow too many blogs yet, I was hoping you could help me out and, if you read this, answer the questions! Then let me know the link to your blog so I can follow!

So, my questions are:

1. What is your favourite hideaway spot?
2. If you could try any extreme sport, what would it be and why?
3. On a child free weekend what would you do?
4. What TV show relates best to your life?
5. If you could visit any country in the world what would it be and why?
6. What quote sums up your personality?
7. Pizza or pasta?
8. A question you would ask the president/prime minister?
9. Favourite movie and why?
10. Aspirations for your blog?

Answer away amigos 😃

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