Thursday 19 March 2015

Cabin Fever

So five days straight of being at home with a sick baby is not great for me. I have been reluctant to take him out anywhere because he has been so unwell, and it has definitely started cooling down. Today, though, I had had enough. We were up nice and early walking the dog, and then I decided we needed to go and have a "mum and bub date".

Back in the day, the thought of going out and eating lunch by myself was rather daunting. I get pretty bored with my own company after awhile, and would normally scoff it all up and leave. However, now that I have my mini me, I am more than happy to sit down at a cafe for an hour or so and lap it up!

Unfortunately, I stumbled upon something that I have done my best to avoid.

Coffee groups.

Now, I know many of you disagree with my view on these, and make life long friends. However, I am a bit of a grumpy old bitch at the best of times, and have made no attempt to start one of these up, or join in with one.

Why? Because I really can't stand listening to other people go on about their babies. I do my best to not go on about Finn too much with my friends because I understand the absolute utter boredom it brings upon them. I save these tales for my other half, and the internet!

I ordered my lunch and coffee, and found a warm outside seat. From here, I was forced to eavesdrop on the conversation.

"My baby..."
"George can..."
"I would never...with my boy..."

Oh my goodness people! You are out talking to human beings that aren't under the age of one and all you can talk about are BABIES?! Why not discuss interesting things like politics, exercise and THINGS THAT DON'T RELATE TO YOUR CHILDREN?!

As you can imagine, I swiftly moved and played with Finn in the grassy area out the front. Yes, I prefer the company of snotty, coughing six month old over women that want to make a competition of baby rearing.

And this is why I don't do coffee groups. Ever.

As a side note, don't ever feed your kids shepherd pie. All they do is spit it out every where and end up smelling like mince. Gross.

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