Wednesday 25 March 2015

Why I love my neighbour!

One of the problems with being a mum is that constant fear of being judged. Everybody has an opinion on parenting and, quite often, your opinion is not the same and the person doing the judging.

I have to admit, I am one of those mum's who is very laid back. I try not to let things stress me out, and you could never accuse me of "smothering" my baby. In fact, I encourage people other than myself to hold and play with Finn, and it has been like that since day one.

Which leads me to my neighbour. She is AWESOME. And I barely even talk to her. I just listen.

She has two girls, one of which is around four and the other around seven, and they sound like a handful. You often hear them screaming at one another, calling each other names, and then the tears. But, what I love, is how my neighbour handles them.

Literally five minutes ago, the smaller of the two girls was throwing the largest wobbly I have heard in a long time. She was on the trampoline with her sister, and, when asked to get off, she SCREAMED. It was earth shattering, ear piercing, all that jazz! So, what did mum do? Instead of getting in an argument with her, she got on the tramp, chucked her over her shoulder kicking and screaming, and walked her into the house.

Now that, my friends, is my kind of parenting!

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