Monday 23 March 2015

Why My Child Is Awesome

My boy - I am not going to lie to you people, he is actually awesome.


Well, first of all, look at this photo of him in his new PJ's...

He is delicious!

Second of all, on many occasions he actually makes my life easier. Today is an example.

As a teacher, you get paid pretty poorly, especially if you only work three days a week like myself. Money is definitely not flowing, and every day I kick myself for not saving while I was on a full time wage. That is why it is really awesome when I get asked to relieve. The money is good, the planning is done for you and, best of all, I can bring my little man along with me.

So today we trotted up to work, and from the beginning I knew it was going to be a good day. He smiled, cooed, giggled, drank his milk, ate his food, took two spectacular naps in his pushchair, and managed to impress every single staff member and child we came across.

And, because of that, we are allowed to come back.

Child of mine, you are awesome!

Can you think of a time your little one has really impressed you in front of other people? Feel free to comment away!

1 comment:

  1. Shame you're not a teacher in the UK - the perks whilst on maternity leave are great (or at least that's what I hear!). It's great you were able to take you boy in - he is beautiful!
